Just when I thought it wasn't possible for this week's New York Magazine to get any better, what with an article on Wes Anderson and then this amazing Williamsburg power broker in the Look Book wearing a genius get-up of dress I own in green and some gorgeous costume jewels, it got bettter.
If you were riding the F on Tuesday and somewhere around Delancey a black-haired girl clutching an Egyptian embossed bag yelped, it was me, and I just read this from the interview with Jennifer Jason Leigh:
We're at (Greenwich) Letterpress, a stationery shop on Christopher Street, so Leigh can purchase thank-you notes she and (Noah as in he who wrote The Life Aquatic and wrote and directed The Squid and The Whale) Baumbach can share as a couple. But although the store is filled with eccentric designs she likes...she can't decide what to buy..."This was not a good idea, with my personality," she moans, fretting over some tiny cards without envelopes. A pink-and-blue motif of glittery eggs is too girlie. "It's fine for me, but Noah's not sending this card. I'll tell you that right now. This would be more his thing," she says, picking up a feral-looking owl escaping from a battered cage. "My mother would love this card, too. She has a great sense of humor; she loves Edward Gorey." Sound familiar, anyone?
It's "hyacinth knew the vicious royalty of sweet decay!"
Hip hip hooray!