30 November 2009

Robot Hands

My beloved Bittersweets's new line of rings are fit for La Belle au Bois Dormant, more commonly known as Sleeping Beauty. It’s as if Arthur Rackham’s illustrations sprung to life, swallowed some diamonds, and seduced their way onto your finger. Available at Catbird's brand new website, where it's possible some of the copy might sound familiar to your very discerning ear.

My castle, my books.

Sweet Mama Stringbean, Carson McCullers, Julie Harris

Reflections in a Golden Eye
, Carson McCullers. Dark, dark, darker still.

Girl Groovy

black lace in Tokyo + Winston Churchill in France

I was gone on Friday, and I missed you. Sometimes you need to quietly slip away and upon your return, dip a toe in the rose-scented waters. I've returned, renewed, and with a psychedelic vase. Waiting outside our door late last night was December's Vogue, a most graceful thank you note, and an insanely wonderful tome we will explore together.

26 November 2009

Today: gratitude and devotion for a new friend we have yet to meet.

24 November 2009

Gone trampin'

Just in case I'm not explicitly clear with what I love in this forum, I'll be contributing what I love to AnOther Magazine's website. My first AnOther love is this 1957 portrait of Coco Chanel and Jeanne Moreau. Click here to see what else I love.

Song of songs

Sometimes the evil eye turns it gaze from within. We wore hamsas as children- it might be time again.

23 November 2009

The Blues Explosion

Some days, it would just be too cruel to make the bed. My girls are still recovering from Saturday night.

Water found on moon, researchers say

A not too terrible thing happened on Friday the 13th.

Jezebel giveaway vol. 3: She who is chosen

Erica Weiner antique chav earrings, $20

Random.org has worked it's dark magic and chosen JESSICA as the winner of the Erica Weiner All's Well earrings. Dear Jessica, it has come to my attention that you are holed up in a small closet, wringing your hands, waiting on word from the bank that will allow you to buy a house, which will allow you to wring your hands in an even larger closet. Please Jessica, do step into the library for just a moment and, by Wednesday the 25th, let me know to where we ought send your earrings.

Swing by the Bust Craftacular on Sunday December 6th- I'll be selling Jezebel and Erica Weiner will be there, too. Thanks to all you sweet cabbages, and Erica Weiner, for playing along, and stay tuned here for an ongoing series of giveaways.

22 November 2009

"The Dance of the Hours"

fantasia sketch + inclement ostrich necklace, $118

An absolute and defining childhood memory: sitting in a dark movie theatre, watching Fantasia with my father. Brothers not invited, just my dad and his only daughter.

20 November 2009


Garbo as Mata Hari

Random.org will choose the winner, but a gold star goes to Ashley for her entry in verse:

My lackluster lobes lay limp
Plain as day no matter what I try
No matter how much I primp
Bring back that glint in my eye

With earrings so swell
I cannot live with regret
All’s well that ends well
We may be happy yet

19 November 2009

Sometimes even the sirens cry

Powązki by Pandora + Sleeping Beauty frm

Looking for melancholia in all the wrong places, or in the right places for the wrong reasons this absolutely colorless morning. I've always rejected the abstracted aestheticizing of cemeteries: they are receptacles of the pain of those who lie in wake amongst the four stones walls, and those who travel freely, by day or night, through heaving iron gates.

18 November 2009

A graceful gesture of goodwill

Whether or not you were the one who wrote it, the message I received from you on that other thing I do after I wrote "@yokoono "Between my head and the sky" cover straight from the Blue Note school of album art. Title not too shabby, either," was in the spirit of oneness.

17 November 2009

Down the hall, to the left

Haven't We Met, An Hoang 2009 (via piajanebijkerk)

I neglected to tell you on this Friday past, that I was born on a Friday the 13th. Let that mean what it will.

16 November 2009

A Suitor Life

Suitor, the impeccable new paper line, by my friend and longtime stationer, Jessica Murnane launches today. I have 4 words for you: make it a set.

Erica Weiner All's Well earrings: Jezebel GIVEAWAY vol. 3!

Happy Monday, dearests. Is it true what I heard? Your exotic orchid cache was decimated by an overzealous domesticated ocelot?! Your bathtub swan flew south to Punta del Este, with your grandmother Jacaranda's opals swaying from his beak in an overflowing bottle-green clutch?! How truly terrible. Listen, though: All's Well! We May Be Happy Yet! I promise. Have I ever lied to you? To remind you to keep on the sunny side, I've had a little chat with the jeweler with the jazz-baby bob, Erica Weiner, and we've decided you must have a pair of her sterling silver All's Well earrings.

To enter: visit Erica Weiner's site between now and Sunday the 22nd, then leave a comment here, at this very post. Do make sure that I'll be able to find you, as I'm most certain you will be the winner. And, don't despair if I am wrong and you are not the winner- capitalism is not dead.

13 November 2009

Cafe 947

I spent the evening on Madison Avenue (working) and I spent the wee hours on Madison Avenue with some Mad Men. I couldn't turn away, and this morning I forgot to use shampoo. I've compensated, not with a black bob wig, but with a rumpled scarf retrieved from a dark corner of my fringed bag.

12 November 2009


Hope Gangloff via Bittersweets NY

The everyday has never looked so glamorous. What? Your everyday doesn't include swans in your bathtubs and fantastical fountains and lounging languidly? Come now. Shape up or ship out.

11 November 2009

Turbans and toe shoes

With absolute certainty, I can say that the divine D. Deull, mother of the divine Elizabeth Deull is the only woman in our hometown who's requested a pair of Albert Maysles spectacles for her 20th 40th birthday.

10 November 2009

There she lay, feline-fine

Teepee, at rest on the remains of her Halloween costume +
Yoshiko Kajitani in Tokyo frm the Selby

09 November 2009

Jezebel was on NBC this morning! My Aunt J. rises at an ungodly hour, so she saw the actual segment. The powers that be over there must know that I've been watching 30 Rock lately.

And little Sara, too

lace circa 1935 from belle heir, $95

Bought myself some over-the-knee boots this weekend, once again wishing that Belle Heir's antique finery was not limited to the 5 and under set.

Scrubbed, clean, better to dream

Australia Vogue Living Oct-Nov 2002, via moodboard

I'd forgotten just how much I wanted to go to Finca Los Alamos. Desire rekindled, heart thumping. When I was in Argentina, we sailed slowly to Punta del Este; must return, and head to wine country instead.

06 November 2009

"Without the poetry it's nothing"

I had a dream a few weeks ago that all of my jewelery turned to dust. Since that dream, I've shattered a ring, misplaced 2 bracelets, and lost a ring down the drain. They were all 4 gifts, and all 4 beautiful and with secret meaning to me. Goodbye departed friends! I wonder what the pearl is. There's always a pearl.

05 November 2009

Soothsayer says: decanter will sell today

We're friends, right? I admit: some days you wake up singing an out-of-tune little blues song for yourself. Coffee is taken as a palliative and while squirming, shape-shifting nostalgia should always be held delicately and firmly between one's fingertips, sometimes it is permissible to indulge.

04 November 2009


I know why I'm having trouble rousing myself this morning. I'm not quite sure what Teepee's excuse is, though I suspect it might have something to do with this: my girl is short, and not prone to acts of bravery, and we can come last night to a chihuahua on a couch. It has never happened before, and will never happen again, until she is goaded once more to such lofty heights by Coral the leopard who I'm sure dashed off to snuggle in her Eames lounger while Teepee trembled the hours away on the couch, waiting for us to come rescue her.

03 November 2009

My castle, my books.

David Bowie at home in Berlin, under a portrait of Mishima he painted

Finally getting to Spring Snow. Or, Spring Snow finally getting to me, as it is really in charge of our romance.

Love Bomb

Silvana Mangano + Milla Jovovich

It's a divine thing, this being a lady business.

02 November 2009

A formal invitation, to a very formal affair

As the old saying goes, "if it's good enough for Dame Elizabeth, it's good enough for me." Join me on the thing I thought I'd never do. I'll say it softly. Twitter.

The questionable ASP

outtake from an old design*sponge sneak peek of my old apartment + cleopatra

Something ought to be slithering my way, any day now, via the USPS that I hold so dear. It's for us to share, though I haven't entirely decided how.

In the event you are a billionaire's baby, born in November

citrine and 18k earrings, Tony Duquette, $10,000

I've picked out some jewels for you from 1st Dibs, featuring your birthstone, the citrine. Let me know which one you get.