30 September 2009
Seeing clearly

Ingmar Bergman's personal effects were auctioned off in Sweden on Sunday. It's a ghostly thing to flick through, the catalog of plain and sturdy tables, velveteen armchairs, portraits, goblets for beer, the remnants of Faro, records, awards and medals.
29 September 2009
Exception, my black beauties

in the VIP lounge at Dolce & Gabbana
Time Machine (addendum to 17, vines)

28 September 2009
17, vines

I bought a not-quite, though almost perfect ivory sequin dress on Saturday, and promptly hacked the sleeves off and doctored the back into something slightly more modern, I think. It was intended to be worn to Rachel's birthday, but I lack the proper massive black shoes to ground down the goddess dress to terra firma. Once I find the proper massive black shoes the dress will be worn, and I will be one step closer to clacking my heels along the streets of Paris, where I have spent only one day. Oh, do you hear the swells of an orchestra of liliputian violins? Only one day in Paris, she said! Too horrible to even speak outloud. Poor, poor Jezebel.
Dearest, darling stockists: Fitzgerald Coleman

Another Jezebel order is barreling uptown to the waiting arms of Fitzgerald Coleman, an absolutely impeccable online stationery retailer. Jezebel is too pleased to be in the company of old stationer friends, Pancake & Franks, Red Cap Cards, and Sesame Letterpress, as well as personal favorites like Austin Press & John Derian.
25 September 2009
Envy in the morning light, envy in the dark of night

24 September 2009
What are you doing?
Two expatriates in Madagascar employed thousands of cannibalistic female spiders to produce an 11 foot spider-silk cloth, now on view at the Museum of Natural History. After many fits and starts, the two men put together an almost Victorian spider-silk harvesting operation that hired local people to comb the countryside with long bamboo poles, carefully collecting live female spiders — about 3,000 a day — in boxes. The spiders were taken to Mr. Godley, who set up a system in which workers, all women, would handle each spider, gently pulling out the thread that dangled from its spinnerets. (The spiders bite if provoked, but their bites are not dangerous.) The spider would then be placed in a harness, with 23 others, and sit more or less patiently as a spool tugged the rest of its web out in continuous threads that could sometimes stretch as long as 400 yards before the spider had given its all.
Someone must buy the rights to this story right away, and turn it into a small masterpiece.
On the subject of small masterpieces, Charlotte's Web, taught me sacrifice and reverence for animals, along with a taste and respect for the beauty of the bittersweet.
23 September 2009
Belle du Jour

22 September 2009
I'm late. I know it.
I am so very happy to be home, and while Sarah's recipe is simmering, I return to a recurring obsession. Jean Painleve, Poseidon's Steed's shall remind me that real seahorses, I do not need.
21 September 2009
A roundabout ramble down the road, destination: We Love You So
Jezebel giveaway vol. 1: She who is chosen
Random.org has worked it's dark magic and chosen CAROLINE as the recipient of the Bittersweets letter ring! One hitch: Caroline, where are you?! Please email me by Wednesday, September 23rd at jezebel@ilovejezebel.com, to claim your golden prize. If dear Caroline has departed to take the cure at Baden-Baden or is sojourning at Jules' Undersea Hotel, I will announce bearer #2, also picked by random.org, on Thursday.
Please do remember that Bittersweets letter rings make delightful gifts for friends, new babies, lovers, oneself! Come see, feel, try Bittersweets at Catbird. Oh, and since I know you all are bursting with vague, unmet jewelry desires, flickering in dreams, yet to be realized, Robin is a custom virtuoso.
18 September 2009
An open declaration of love and devotion
Turner Classic Movies,
As I will be spending the weekend in a land with cable, I've referenced your schedule. Today's offerings include Mata Hari, Grand Hotel, an impossible to find Swedish documentary on Greta Garbo, Devotion, an hour with Bill Murray and Elvis Mitchell, A Thousand Clowns, and all those delicious inter-programming bits, like Elizabeth Taylor on her lost friend, Montgomery Clift. You, TCM, have been such a good and dear friend, and have taught me so much. I forgive you for those all-Western days; we probably needed a break from each other, anyway. I dream (in black & white) about a time when we can see each other daily. Until then, I remain, yours devoted.
17 September 2009
Mary Travers, Nov. 9, 1936 - Sept. 16, 2009.
I grew up on Peter, Paul, and Mary.
A favorite moment from No Direction Home: a bitter day in Washington Square, and John Cohen asks Mary, who's just returned from Florida, why she is so pale. Answer: "Albert (Grossman) wants me to be the pale, blonde, indoor type."
16 September 2009
Wants: nude and purpose

Once more: Pith and Ore
hand in hand the bat and the owl disappeared into the wood between the worlds, $3.50 at www.ilovejezebel.com
jeanne moreau in the bride wore black
15 September 2009
In lieu of in situ, an ocelot

14 September 2009
Working from home has to mean complete refusal to leave the home during working hours, lest you get sucked into neighborhood gallivanting and wildly justified dilly-dallying. The challenge to stay put increases as cupboard's bounty decreases. I just rehydrated some shitake mushrooms, simmered with the last clove of garlic and canned tomatoes, then served atop polenta and parmesan in one of my new bowls. I'm pretty proud.
L.B. + B.O.R.

I picked this out, in case you wanted a pink diamond bauble to match your new pink diamond bauble. And, will it be in Saugerties? I have become quite taken with pastoral affairs and their divine sartorial opportunities. Too excited, for wherever we shall toast you shall be grand.
With bells,
Ode to a small thing (not Teepee) vol. 4

Bittersweets letter ring: Jezebel GIVEAWAY vol. 1!

Get thee to the comments section, quick! Dear Robin, of Bittersweets NY is offering one of her famous letter rings to a Jezebel habitué. My letter ring is rose gold and says BOB (for a rather famous Bob, the once-or-never topical songwriter): do what you will with yours. Pick from 14k white, rose, or yellow gold in shiny or matte finish, and choose 4 letters, et voila- a tiny, golden haiku for your slim, black-varnished finger is born.
To enter: visits Bittersweets NY's site, and between now and Sunday the 20th leave a comment here, at this very post. Do make sure that I'll be able to find you, as I'm most certain you will be the winner. And, don't despair if I am wrong and you are not the winner- capitalism is not dead.
11 September 2009
My totems are generally tattered
10 September 2009
My castle, my books.

in which Elizabeth Taylor made an uncredited appearance,
wore a pearl necklace once possessed by Mary, Queen of Scots
09 September 2009
08 September 2009
Visit, and levitate.

04 September 2009

03 September 2009
We're heading to Maine this weekend, and spending a night in Portland. It's my first time in Maine since a one-day childhood jaunt to Kennebunk. Any suggestions would be so very welcome. I would love to visit the Olson House (went through a Wyeth frenzy a few years back), but that will have to be another one-day.
02 September 2009
An empty house for troublesome little Miriam, gone to Lyon
"What are you doing?" she asked.
Miriam glanced up, and in her eyes there was a look that was not ordinary. She was standing by the bureau, a jewel case opened before her. For a minute she studied Mrs. Miller, forcing their eyes to meet, and she smiled. "There’s nothing good here," she said. "But I like this." Her hand held a cameo brooch. "It’s charming."
"Suppose—perhaps you’d better put it back," said Mrs. Miller, feeling suddenly the need of some support. She leaned against the door frame...the light seemed to flutter defectively. "Please, child—a gift from my husband …."
"But it’s beautiful and I want it," said Miriam. "Give it to me."
As she stood, striving to shape a sentence which would somehow save the brooch, it came to Mrs. Miller there was no one to whom she might turn; she was alone...here in her own room in the hushed snow city were evidences she could not ignore or, she knew with startling clarity, resist.
Miriam ate ravenously, and when the sandwiches and milk were gone, her fingers made cobweb movements over the plate, gathering crumbs. The cameo gleamed on her blouse, the blond profile like a trick reflection of its wearer. "That was very nice," she sighed, "though now an almond cake or a cherry would be ideal. Sweets are lovely, don’t you think?"
Mrs. Miller was perched precariously on the hassock, smoking a cigarette. Her hair net had slipped lopsided, and loose strands straggled down her face. Her eyes were stupidly concentrated on nothing and her cheeks were mottled in red patches, as though a fierce slap had left permanent marks.
"Is there a candy - a cake?"
Mrs. Miller tapped ash on the rug. Her head swayed slightly as she tried to focus her eyes. "You promised to leave if I made the sandwiches," she said.
‘Dear me, did I?"
"It was a promise and I’m tired and I don’t feel well at all."
"Musn’t fret," said Miriam. "I’m only teasing."
01 September 2009
In the event you are a billionaire's baby, born in September
I've picked out some jewels for you from 1st Dibs, featuring your birthstone, sapphire. Let me know which one you get.